In 2023, KI made presentations at both Education Day and MO-ARK Convention suggesting that clubs advertise on Facebook. Cost is low and you can reach large groups of prospects.
See the presentations below.
Sarah Moreland Byrne’s Education Day presentation is on YouTube–
The last half includes detailed instructions on how to advertise on Facebook.
Kiwanis Club of Meramec Valley Community decided to try it. We created ad copy we liked (details below). We budgeted $50 for the ad and limited it to $3/day. Our ad ran for 16 days (ending May 6). Total cost was $47.86. We selected all adults over 22 and specified those within 15 miles of Ballwin (in west St. Louis County).
Facebook said our ad might reach 1 million prospects. Our ad reached 723 people; 21 clicked on the ad; 6 filled out the form giving name, email address and phone number (one of which was me testing). Cost was $9.57/lead.
We received no responses for the first week or so. It seems people needed to see the ad several times before they decided to respond.
We continue working on the prospects but so far some have not been from candidates but from others who submitted their info suggesting they join a Kiwanis club. No new members but three are still possible prospects.
Bottom line: Our ad was less successful than we hoped but did get us some leads.
I decided to run the ad on my personal Facebook page to be sure I received responses. I have 5000 friends on Facebook and mostly share nostalgia, pets, etc posts and a few Kiwanis club posts. I used a Kiwanis logo as my photo to add an official look. Eventually I posted the ad with links to our club website and Facebook page. The ad was pinned to the top of my Facebook page. The ad was also posted on our club Facebook page with a link to our website.
When people click on the ad, they are taken to a form that collects their info. And then to the website. That proved to be the advertiser’s Facebook page.
Facebook lets you to create your own form but I used the standard one from Facebook. Direct links from your ad to your website are probably possible but then how do you track results?
You can create ads directly on Facebook but the editing choices are limited. Better to create it on Word, save as pdf, and do a pdf to jpg conversion. I use It works well and you can do several conversions per day for free.
It’s best to crop the jpg file to remove white space. You can post any photo on Facebook but I found the ad software won’t accept large files. With the photo software I use right click on the photo to a menu that allows you to resize the photo. I reduced to 1000 pixels height. Those post ok but the form banner concealed the bottom of the ad. Perhaps a smaller number like 800 pixels would work better.
To retrieve leads, from your Facbook home page, click on professional dashboard and then ad manager.
I found the demographics of our audience interesting. On Facebook, 66% are women, two to one over men. 48% over 65, 19% 55-64, 15% 45-54, 13% 35-44, 5% 25-34.
Mobil was 87% of responses, presumably by cell phone; 5% by desktop; the rest by “stories” and “video.”
Facebook offered suggestions to improve results. Expanded posting to Instagram and other Facebook services was suggested as was increasing the 15 mile range. I stuck with Facebook and the 15 mile range.
See ad and graphics from Facebook with stats attached. (Stats show 6 responses but one was me testing.)
Facebook Tools — MO-ARK Convention 2023
Bryce Kinder gave us presentation on use of Facebook to help your club. He provided a Powerpoint of this presentation.
At MO-ARK Education Day, Sarah Moreland Byrne, of Kiwanis International, presented “Strategies for Using Social Media as Club Tools,” focusing on Facebook. Her presentation can be viewed at
She suggested advertising on Facebook for events or new members. Ads can go to a defined group up. Design your group to reach 10k prospects near your zip code. You can apply numerous parameters to reach your target audience. Age 30+? Begin at morning coffeebreak, 9:30 am, when they may be looking for something to do later?
Budget $100 and $3 or $5/day. Your ad goes to all 10k prospects until you get 50 responses (billed at $0.10 ea). You get a list of prospects to contact. Ads and bots can eat up your funds but a cleverly worded ad might get response. To reach new members she suggested $6 to $9 per new prospect is typical.
Measuring member satisfaction
Objective: To gather information to help the club better serve its members the club can better serve its members.
Purpose: To clarify what members expect from Kiwanis service by surveying and tracking benchmarks linked to club success.
Goals: To improve the club experience based on members’ input
Audience: Board members, with club members’ participation where designated
The member experience is an important factor in determining the health and strength of a club. Members want to love every aspect of their club. They want to feel satisfied with the value that they get from contributing time, talent and money. This tool is designed to help you gain member feedback and use it to make any needed improvements.
Begin the conversation using one of these options:
• Interview members individually. This method works well when trust among the group is strong and members feel comfortable about speaking honestly about their opinions. Give members the opportunity to speak candidly about their experience. Get to know what they are looking for in their future with Kiwanis. You might ask: What drives them to serve? What expectations do they have? How do they feel about being part of the club? What do they think of the meetings and opportunities for service? What type of impact do they feel the club could have in the community?
• Use a member satisfaction survey. This method allows everyone to have a voice–and if offered anonymously, to speak as honestly as possible. Adapt the following survey to obtain a general picture of how members feel about topics ranging from club administration to community service impact. Also include opportunities to provide feedback. You could distribute the following survey as a printed copy or collect electronic responses using an online survey provider.
• Conduct an open forum. This method may allow for more interactive discussion, if an unbiased facilitator can guide the reflections. However, some members may not feel comfortable speaking in this type of an environment. Generate discussion by prompting members with open-ended questions similar to the statements in the survey on the following page.
• Conduct a visual assessment. Tape up categories such as club administration, service impact, membership strength and member experience on a wall. Underneath them, invite members to place sticky notes with comments about things they enjoy and things they want to change. Then read each of them aloud for the benefit of the group and discuss how the feedback can be incorporated into the club’s activities.
Member satisfaction survey
This survey will help club leaders evaluate how effectively the club is meeting your expectations. Information gathered from it can help improve club operations, increasing the club’s service impact and visibility in the community.
The survey is now available as a Word file making it easy to fill out on your device, save, and email to your club’s survey officer.
Identifying what your club needs to start, continue and stop doing during the coming year can help you develop and refine goals. Average out the results of your surveys to determine where your club falls, then share the findings with your members via email or through a presentation at a meeting.
Is the club score 104 or more?
Congratulations! The overall club experience is a great representation of how your club impacts your community and your members. Celebrate your success and think about how those successes can inspire opportunities for improvement. What are you doing well? How might those qualities bridge the gap between your club’s strengths and opportunities for improvement?
Is the club score between 75 and 99?
Good work! Build on the momentum of your club’s current strengths. Not sure where to start? Look at your club events. A guest’s first impressions mean everything. If the experience isn’t a good use of visitors’ time, they may think twice before returning. Review the areas with answers averaging 0, 1 or 2 and brainstorm about how to implement change.
Is the club score less than 75?
Thank you for your honesty. The first step toward making a change is acknowledging that change is necessary. Where do you start? Before actively inviting potential members, discuss how to make the experience members have more meaningful.
Search for solutions
• Club management/administration: Visit for resources that will help club officers lead and counsel the club to become stronger and more service-oriented.
• Membership strength: Visit for resources that will help you invite new members and improve your club.
• Community service impact: o Take a look at another tool for improvement, called Analyzing your impact. It will help you think about how to improve your service and fundraising opportunities.
o Explore issues of Kiwanis magazine at to browse ideas for service projects that other clubs have implemented.
o Talk to your community. Examine the tool called Rediscovering your community. Interviewing members of your community can help the club understand what needs exist and how community leaders believe Kiwanis could support them. This may also uncover opportunities for new partnerships or sponsorships. For help thinking about organizations your club could partner with, see the Developing community partnerships tool.
• Member experience: How often do you thank or recognize your members for a job well done? Read up on more ways to celebrate success by downloading the Celebrating success tool.
Facebook Ad for new Members
In 2023, KI made presentations at both Education Day and MO-ARK Convention suggesting that clubs advertise on Facebook. Cost is low and you can reach large groups of prospects.
See the presentations below.
Sarah Moreland Byrne’s Education Day presentation is on YouTube–
The last half includes detailed instructions on how to advertise on Facebook.
Kiwanis Club of Meramec Valley Community decided to try it. We created ad copy we liked (details below). We budgeted $50 for the ad and limited it to $3/day. Our ad ran for 16 days (ending May 6). Total cost was $47.86. We selected all adults over 22 and specified those within 15 miles of Ballwin (in west St. Louis County).
Facebook said our ad might reach 1 million prospects. Our ad reached 723 people; 21 clicked on the ad; 6 filled out the form giving name, email address and phone number (one of which was me testing). Cost was $9.57/lead.
We received no responses for the first week or so. It seems people needed to see the ad several times before they decided to respond.
We continue working on the prospects but so far some have not been from candidates but from others who submitted their info suggesting they join a Kiwanis club. No new members but three are still possible prospects.
Bottom line: Our ad was less successful than we hoped but did get us some leads.
I decided to run the ad on my personal Facebook page to be sure I received responses. I have 5000 friends on Facebook and mostly share nostalgia, pets, etc posts and a few Kiwanis club posts. I used a Kiwanis logo as my photo to add an official look. Eventually I posted the ad with links to our club website and Facebook page. The ad was pinned to the top of my Facebook page. The ad was also posted on our club Facebook page with a link to our website.
When people click on the ad, they are taken to a form that collects their info. And then to the website. That proved to be the advertiser’s Facebook page.
Facebook lets you to create your own form but I used the standard one from Facebook. Direct links from your ad to your website are probably possible but then how do you track results?
You can create ads directly on Facebook but the editing choices are limited. Better to create it on Word, save as pdf, and do a pdf to jpg conversion. I use It works well and you can do several conversions per day for free.
It’s best to crop the jpg file to remove white space. You can post any photo on Facebook but I found the ad software won’t accept large files. With the photo software I use right click on the photo to a menu that allows you to resize the photo. I reduced to 1000 pixels height. Those post ok but the form banner concealed the bottom of the ad. Perhaps a smaller number like 800 pixels would work better.
To retrieve leads, from your Facbook home page, click on professional dashboard and then ad manager.
I found the demographics of our audience interesting. On Facebook, 66% are women, two to one over men. 48% over 65, 19% 55-64, 15% 45-54, 13% 35-44, 5% 25-34.
Mobil was 87% of responses, presumably by cell phone; 5% by desktop; the rest by “stories” and “video.”
Facebook offered suggestions to improve results. Expanded posting to Instagram and other Facebook services was suggested as was increasing the 15 mile range. I stuck with Facebook and the 15 mile range.
See ad and graphics from Facebook with stats attached. (Stats show 6 responses but one was me testing.)
Facebook Tools — MO-ARK Convention 2023
Bryce Kinder gave us presentation on use of Facebook to help your club. He provided a Powerpoint of this presentation.
Membership: Facebook & Kiwanis 2023
At MO-ARK Education Day, Sarah Moreland Byrne, of Kiwanis International, presented “Strategies for Using Social Media as Club Tools,” focusing on Facebook. Her presentation can be viewed at
She suggested advertising on Facebook for events or new members. Ads can go to a defined group up. Design your group to reach 10k prospects near your zip code. You can apply numerous parameters to reach your target audience. Age 30+? Begin at morning coffeebreak, 9:30 am, when they may be looking for something to do later?
Budget $100 and $3 or $5/day. Your ad goes to all 10k prospects until you get 50 responses (billed at $0.10 ea). You get a list of prospects to contact. Ads and bots can eat up your funds but a cleverly worded ad might get response. To reach new members she suggested $6 to $9 per new prospect is typical.
Measuring member satisfaction
Objective: To gather information to help the club better serve its members the club can better serve its members.
Purpose: To clarify what members expect from Kiwanis service by surveying and tracking benchmarks linked to club success.
Goals: To improve the club experience based on members’ input
Audience: Board members, with club members’ participation where designated
The member experience is an important factor in determining the health and strength of a club. Members want to love every aspect of their club. They want to feel satisfied with the value that they get from contributing time, talent and money. This tool is designed to help you gain member feedback and use it to make any needed improvements.
Begin the conversation using one of these options:
• Interview members individually. This method works well when trust among the group is strong and members feel comfortable about speaking honestly about their opinions. Give members the opportunity to speak candidly about their experience. Get to know what they are looking for in their future with Kiwanis. You might ask: What drives them to serve? What expectations do they have? How do they feel about being part of the club? What do they think of the meetings and opportunities for service? What type of impact do they feel the club could have in the community?
• Use a member satisfaction survey. This method allows everyone to have a voice–and if offered anonymously, to speak as honestly as possible. Adapt the following survey to obtain a general picture of how members feel about topics ranging from club administration to community service impact. Also include opportunities to provide feedback. You could distribute the following survey as a printed copy or collect electronic responses using an online survey provider.
• Conduct an open forum. This method may allow for more interactive discussion, if an unbiased facilitator can guide the reflections. However, some members may not feel comfortable speaking in this type of an environment. Generate discussion by prompting members with open-ended questions similar to the statements in the survey on the following page.
• Conduct a visual assessment. Tape up categories such as club administration, service impact, membership strength and member experience on a wall. Underneath them, invite members to place sticky notes with comments about things they enjoy and things they want to change. Then read each of them aloud for the benefit of the group and discuss how the feedback can be incorporated into the club’s activities.
Member satisfaction survey
This survey will help club leaders evaluate how effectively the club is meeting your expectations. Information gathered from it can help improve club operations, increasing the club’s service impact and visibility in the community.
The survey is now available as a Word file making it easy to fill out on your device, save, and email to your club’s survey officer.
What do you enjoy most about being a member of our club?
What is our club’s greatest strength?
If you could change one thing about our club, what would it be? Why?
Rate the following statements about our club’s operations using this scale:
0 = Strongly disagree 1= Disagree 2 = Neither agree nor disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly Agree
Club management/administration
_____ I am satisfied with my overall experience as a member.
_____ Our club members and leaders work well together as a team.
_____ Our club has a clear purpose that guides our goals and accomplishments.
_____ I can articulate clearly and concisely the impact our club has in the community.
_____ Our club meets at a time and location that fits my schedule.
_____ The cost of membership is reasonable and provides value to me.
Total for this section:
Would you like to comment on any of your ratings? What ideas do you have for improvement?
Membership strength
_____ Our club is just the right size for the impact we want to make.
_____ I feel comfortable asking colleagues and acquaintances to visit and join our club.
_____ I am inspired by how many opportunities our club offers to create an impact in our community.
_____ Guests are warmly welcomed and introduced at club events.
_____ Our club offers a variety of activities and opportunities to attract prospective members to join our club.
Total for this section:
Would you like to comment on any of your ratings? What ideas do you have for improvement?
Community service impact
_____ Our club’s service projects are worthwhile, rewarding and impactful.
_____ Our club’s presence is visible and viewed as a major asset in our community.
_____ I am proud to be associated with the impact that our projects make.
_____ There is sufficient member interest in most of our projects.
_____ There is sufficient community need for most of our projects.
_____ Our club generates sufficient money to fund current and potential service projects.
_____ Our club’s fundraisers provide adequate revenue.
_____ The amount of revenue obtained from our fundraisers is reasonable when compared to the amount of time spent.
_____ Our club is a hands-on, service-oriented club whose members are willing to participate.
_____ Our club is an important advocate for children in our community.
Total for this section:
Would you like to comment on any of your ratings? What ideas do you have for improvement?
Member experience
_____ My opinion about service, fundraising and administration is valued.
_____ Our club meetings and events are enjoyable and fun.
_____ Club members are properly recognized for their efforts.
_____ Every club member is invited to use their talents on at least one committee.
_____ Our club takes appropriate time to celebrate and recognize club and member achievements.
Total for this section:
Would you like to comment on any of your ratings? What ideas do you have for improvement?
Total for all sections:
Evaluate the results
Identifying what your club needs to start, continue and stop doing during the coming year can help you develop and refine goals. Average out the results of your surveys to determine where your club falls, then share the findings with your members via email or through a presentation at a meeting.
Is the club score 104 or more?
Congratulations! The overall club experience is a great representation of how your club impacts your community and your members. Celebrate your success and think about how those successes can inspire opportunities for improvement. What are you doing well? How might those qualities bridge the gap between your club’s strengths and opportunities for improvement?
Is the club score between 75 and 99?
Good work! Build on the momentum of your club’s current strengths. Not sure where to start? Look at your club events. A guest’s first impressions mean everything. If the experience isn’t a good use of visitors’ time, they may think twice before returning. Review the areas with answers averaging 0, 1 or 2 and brainstorm about how to implement change.
Is the club score less than 75?
Thank you for your honesty. The first step toward making a change is acknowledging that change is necessary. Where do you start? Before actively inviting potential members, discuss how to make the experience members have more meaningful.
Search for solutions
• Club management/administration: Visit for resources that will help club officers lead and counsel the club to become stronger and more service-oriented.
• Membership strength: Visit for resources that will help you invite new members and improve your club.
• Community service impact: o Take a look at another tool for improvement, called Analyzing your impact. It will help you think about how to improve your service and fundraising opportunities.
o Explore issues of Kiwanis magazine at to browse ideas for service projects that other clubs have implemented.
o Talk to your community. Examine the tool called Rediscovering your community. Interviewing members of your community can help the club understand what needs exist and how community leaders believe Kiwanis could support them. This may also uncover opportunities for new partnerships or sponsorships. For help thinking about organizations your club could partner with, see the Developing community partnerships tool.
• Member experience: How often do you thank or recognize your members for a job well done? Read up on more ways to celebrate success by downloading the Celebrating success tool.
MO-ARK Formula CoChairs:
Barb Thompson [email protected]
(314) 780-4464 Florissant Valley
(479) 531-1785 Gravette
In 2018, KI changed the name of the Formula Program to Membership. To access the KI Membership information, click here.