Club Revitalization Plan, District

District Club Revitalization Plan

Many Kiwanis Clubs have been struggling to retain members and/or recruit new members. Many clubs have fallen under charter strength of 15 members. This is a concern for the District and International. Each year the district loses many members at the end of the fiscal year and thus it’s been difficult to keep a strong membership base. These issues have caused many clubs to close.

Governor Ron, along with the District Board, wants to provide assistance to those clubs in great need. The best way to do that is to work in each division to help those clubs increase membership. Kiwanis Leaders throughout the Missouri Arkansas District will be identified as coordinators of the plan. They will identify clubs in need of assistance within their region. They will also work with the local club to plan the volunteer visits.

A list of volunteers will be identified to assist clubs with the rebuilding process. Clubs will need to agree to assist and help plan the visit from volunteers to by setting up meetings and/or identifying potential members in their communities. A team of volunteers will visit the local club to meet with prospective members and help increase the club’s membership. Clubs will then appoint a mentor within the club to work with the new members to help them become acquainted with Kiwanis to ensure their long-term membership.

Training will be provided to the volunteers to ensure everyone shares the same information and knows how to approach potential members.

This will be a huge assistance to the small clubs wishing to grow. But we need your help. Please let Angie Oshia, District Secretary know if you would like to on the volunteer team or if your club needs assistance. She will then share that with the coordinators to add your club to the list. The local coordinator will contact the club to assist with the process.

We must all work together to keep Kiwanis the strong, vibrant organization that it has become. If Kiwanis ceases to exist then who will help the children of the world! Let’s do this!!!

Governor Ron’s Message:

This past year every Kiwanis district, except Rocky Mountain, lost membership for many different reasons. We in the Mo-Ark District lost 181 members.

Clubs are asking for help, and here is the way I hope we can respond. I have asked each of our trustees to give me 6 names of people who would be able to help with clubs that are struggling. Other members are joining in this effort. Barb Thompson will train the volunteers, so they will know how to respond to requests for help. We hope to have over 200 people on this list of volunteers. We would love to have you on this list, you can contact your Lt. Gov, Trustee, or contact me if you can help. We have three people in Missouri and three in Arkansas that will have a list of people willing to help.

The Clubs requesting assistance will need to meet a certain criteria before the district will send trained people to canvass your town asking people to consider joining Kiwanis. My main job is to help you grow your club. We are the only international organization with the priority of helping children, and that can only be accomplished with more members and stronger clubs.

Remember if you’re not having fun, do it different.


Ron Hill
Mo-Ark District Governor
[email protected]

(Borrowed from the December 2019 Kiwanigram)


  • Ideas to improve membership retention:
  • Plan club meetings that are ‘fun-expected!’
  • Thank new members for joining Kiwanis. And be sure to thank their member sponsors. 
  • Engage new members with a $25 donation to their “charity of choice” and ask them to organize an easy club service project to support it.
  • Have new members serve as door greeters for the first several weeks, so they can get to know other members.
  • Plug them into club committees and service projects.
  • Match them with veteran members as “club buddies.”
  • Allow them to move into club leadership positions if they demonstrate potential; this may require “plaquing and sacking.”
  • Phone every member on their birthday and send a congratulatory card on their KI anniversary date; also note other special family milestones.
  • If a club member is ill or hospitalized, check with loved ones to see if they can accept phone calls and/or visitors.
  • If clubs decide to fold in your division, work to “transplant” members.
  • Phone those who miss three meetings and offer a “no razzing” pass.
  • Consider contacting a Kiwanis club overseas to become a “sister cities” club and establish a “pen pal” program.
  • Recommend that clubs send Thanksgiving cards to their members’ children, thanking them for loaning out their mom or dad to help kids less fortunate.
  • Recommend that clubs send Thanksgiving cards to the students participating in SLP’s they sponsor, thanking them for their commitment to better their communities.
  • Think about using November to send Kiwanis thank you note cards (we have a graphic image available that spells out “thanks” in multiple languages).
  • Celebrate first and second semester accomplishments of SLP members. 
  • KI has certain weeks dedicated to celebrating our SLP programs. These are good opportunities to showcase them during club meetings.
  • We love our members, their clubs and service projects…and the kids we are privileged to serve! Please share your heartfelt admiration for our all Kiwanis family members (including our SLP’s) during February (Valentine’s month).
  • During March, remind clubs to elect two primary delegates and two alternates to represent the club at the Kiwanis International convention. 
  • March is the final month of the administrative year for Service Leadership Programs. Assist with any end-of-the-year recognition activities. 
  • The spring equinox occurs on 3/20, marking the first day of spring; consider thanking your “perennial” members by giving them a seed packet with a membership message to pass along to a like-minded friend.
  • Our second quarter finishes up on 3/31, and 4/1 marks the midpoint of KI’s administrative year. Compile and circulate a bullet-point list of accomplishments for the first half of the club year and remind members of the goals for the year.
  • The midpoint of the year is a great time to congratulate those clubs that have added new members and are net positive in growth.
  • With April 1 being the midpoint of our administrative year, it is a good time to assess how well your club is doing towards accomplishing your goals for the year.
  • April 1 is the start of the SLP new year. Take a moment to contact your Key Club and Circle K governor counterparts. Congratulate the outgoing governor on his or her accomplishments for the past year and challenge the incoming governor to leave Key Club and Circle better than they found over the next 12 months. Listen to their goals and share your goals as 6well. What commonalities do you have?
  • During April we celebrate National Volunteer Week. Please thank all the members in your district, especially those in leadership positions.
  • With the school year soon coming to an end, could we include some SLP service project highlights?
  • During May we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Please thank those who serve as faculty advisors for SLP programs sponsored by the club you are coaching.
  • Encourage club members to attend the district convention.
  • Ask club leaders to stay in touch with members who have not renewed in recent years (they may have just needed a sabbatical).
  • If you have any “delinquent dues payers,” ask the person who sponsored them into Kiwanis to call and follow up, as it will be harder to quit on them.
  • As a last resort, lay some guilt on those who intend to leave…reminding them that their departure will result in Kiwanis serving 206 fewer children!
  • Remember, it takes five times as much effort to replace a member as it does to keep one. Just imagine how much stronger our organization would be if every club could salvage at least one member who is thinking about leaving!
  • Tips for building in greater accountability:
  • “Show up” and be visible; get to know team colleagues.
  • Realize that building accountability is not about punishment.
  • Clarify who’s doing what and who reports to whom; clearly identify roles and duties.
  • Make sure each strategic priority has only one person driving it.
  • Watch for confusion related to competing priorities; sort any out quickly.
  • Encourage open communication and sharing information.
  • Design pathways to help people interact.
  • Don’t accept “victim mentality.”
  • Criticize ideas, not people; encourage open discussion regarding impediments.
  • Note that a budget is not a “license to spend.”
  • If there’s a need for difficult conversations, remember you’re a guide.
  • Tips on conducting an accountability conversation:
  • The framework (set the stage with specifics about 2-3 essential needs).
  • Performance (outline behavioral concerns and share examples).
  • Impact (share potential implications, both positive and detrimental)..
  • Personal accountability (ask “what” and “how” questions to prompt possible solutions).
  • Next steps (seek agreement on paths forward).

MO-ARK has the tools to help you, if you need it. Be sure to have some of your folks attend Region IV (Div 6, 7, 8, 9) Mid-Year Education Days on March 7 at Logan University, 1851 Schoettler Rd.

Your opportunity to attend a mid-winter meeting LOCALLY. Education, fellowship and the Governors visit!

Carla O’Brien

Region IV Trustee

314-520-7905 or [email protected]
