Wonderings and wanderings. 2024 is here, but have you “saved the date”? I wonder if you have March 22-23 on your calendar? If so, have you clearly marked it saved so you can attend the MO-ARK Kiwanis District 2024 MIDYEAR RETREAT?
If not, please do so now and plan to wander down to North Little Rock for our MAKE IT HAPPEN event riverside at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel. Call them, 501-371-9000, and tell them you want the Kiwanis preferred rate (includes breakfast) and plan on having fun! We hope to bring together interested Kiwanians. You garden? We have a program on that. You fish? We have a program on that too. You want to better your Kiwanis computer skills, we can help on that also. There’s a direct link on the MO-ARK website to click in and register.
We try to be informative. Friday afternoon there’s a program offered by Kiwanians to Kiwanians on Estate Planning and Gift Giving for people with questions about such topics as required minimum distributions. We strive to be fun! I mention fun, just know we will mix and mingle with hor d’oeuvres on Friday night and play a version of Bingo with music–I think they call is “Singo”. You want to attract younger members to your club? We have a program Saturday on that to be put on by guess who- younger members. And then there’s a jazz band with dinner Saturday night, Little Rock’s own Saffron, so don’t miss out!
Russellville, AR- our District Board meets there this weekend, then on Saturday afternoon (2/3/24) we all gather at the Beatrice Johnson Kamp for a ribbon cutting ceremony. This is my first opportunity to see the Kamp and its new Education Center; hope you can make it. Last weekend Region 3 held its Regional Council Meeting with presentations on happenings in Region 3 and a Chili Cook-Off. Thanks Les Mace for a well-planned and informative event. It was a great get-together.
MO-ARK Lieutenant Governors are contacting me with suggestions for presenters from their divisions on the two MIDYEAR RETREAT panel topics- BEST Successful Fund Raising Events and BEST Amazing Service Projects–to be presented at the 2024 MID-YEAR RETREAT! If your club has a special fund raiser or service project that you are especially proud of then contact Susan Lafond or Katie Rennard or Angie Oshia or Jim Fritz or me ASAP with contact info and particulars to be considered. This was well-received at mid-year last year so we offer it again. We hope this helps clubs exchange ideas and discuss because we all know Kiwanis is Best When Shared!
Do you speak Spanish? If so, and you want to participate in a new club build in a Spanish/Hispanic MO-ARK community let Barb or Carla or Jim or me know. If you just want to get involved in new club building, boosting or coaching, let us know. We have links, we have information to share and we have projects ongoing throughout MO-ARK and would like to identify those interested by their Region. Thanks.
Also, almost forgot, at the 2024 MID-YEAR RETREAT there is an opportunity for some hands on service project work for Ronald McDonald House so don’t miss out. As always, I expect the opportunity to catch up with each other and enjoy the fellowship will be tremendous! Our Committee has worked long and hard to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Hope we see you there!
Yours in Kiwanis, Sherm
By Paul Sherman January, 2024
Dear Fellow Kiwanians:
Happy New Year! I learned a lot in December floats are still allowed to throw candy to kids in Batesville during their annual Kiwanis Christmas Parade. The Batesville Club took the parade over from their city years ago and it continues with smiling kids lining both sides of the historic downtown street brandishing sacks, pillowcases and bags they afterwards wrestle home full of candy. I also experienced firsthand just how appreciative the people who work hard for Ronald McDonald House are of First Lady Bev’s project to help them raise funds, toys, games, service, and awareness of their programs for those in need across both Missouri and Arkansas. Please invite us to your division and keep the contributions coming in! I also learned there is no better project than for a club to provide kids in need with a Christmas Party. Plan yours next year and include potential new members, good times shared all around and remember, Kiwanis is best when it is shared.
You want to get more involved? I am pleased to report it appears we now have a full complement of Lieutenant Governors (“LTGs”) in MO-ARK with one exception, Division 16 (Jonesboro, AR area). If that’s your division and you want to inquire just give me a call, or Gov. Elect Jim Fritz, or Sec. Angie Oshia, or Past Gov. Roy Ockert. We may have a recent opening in Division 20 (Russellville area), but I have fielded one inquiry already and am awaiting a response. If that’s your division, either 16 or 20, and you are interested then call us. Let’s get started. Do you know your Division’s LTG? Invite him or her to a meeting and spread the word so you can work an interclub around their visits. Don’t forget, when you do meet up ask your LTG how your club is doing in your division’s interclub competition, just ask. If you are interested in becoming a LTG in your Division one of these days when the position opens, I suggest you inquire now of your current LTG. Some are working to mentor/train their potential replacements now, so I invite you to contact yours and perhaps join them and assist in a club visit or two to “try it on”.
Another reason to inquire, Gov. Elect Jim Fritz is busily planning his LTG training so get connected so you don’t miss out. Have your LTG set a Division Council Meeting and I will attend (schedule permitting, prefer Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
Do you know what Region your club is in? We only have 8 Regions in MO-ARK. Each is headed by a Region Trustee. Have you met yours? I have asked them each to hold a Division Council Meeting, so introduce yourself and ask them when you see them. Our hope is the more involved you get the merrier the experience for all, the fellowship opportunities are incredible! Kiwanis International (KI) puts on monthly educational training virtually (live with question and answer opportunities) alternating one month Club Opening (next is 1/9 at 7:00pm) , then the next month Coaches Training (next is 2/6 at 7:00 pm). These are taught via zoom in about an hour. You log in and the convenience of zooming can get you started anywhere there’s WIFI. I took my first class in a hotel lobby, for example. Get your training and let us know how it goes, we will get you involved. Whether regionally or divisionally, the effort is quite rewarding. You meet new people, experience new places and raise awareness as we expand and reach out to help those younger and weaker among us. We strengthen existing clubs and build new ones where we are needed.
Some Kiwanis Clubs in MO-ARK have aged over 50 years and are in need of some younger members with fresh ideas on how best to serve. We need you!
Don’t forget, our mid-year Retreat this year is in North Little Rock March 21-23, 2024, at the North Little Rock Wyndham Riverfront and I am told there is a live band. Our Retreat Committee is hard at work on the events. Please mark your calendar. Also, don’t forget, mark your calendar for KI’s International Convention held Denver July 4-6, 2024. Our own MO-ARK District Convention(“DCON”) is in St. Louis at the Westport Doubletree August 15, 16 and 17. What do they ask nowadays……” save the date”? So, mark your calendar now and save the dates. Perhaps planning is not my forte, but never fear our DCON Committee is hard at work – my instruction is simple- make it FUN! Do plan to have FUN because we will!!!!
As always, yours in Kiwanis,
By Paul Sherman December, 2023
Tis’ the season. Keepin’ busy? Remember Kiwanis is best when shared. Wrapping presents? Sponsored youth activities? Nursing home visits? Caroling? Making sure the kids in your community have a merry Christmas? Ringing a Salvation Army bell?
You build, inspire, give back in so many ways, you roll up your sleeves and you good people of Kiwanis make good things happen every day all over MO-ARK Country. THANK YOU!
Tuesday, Bev and I wrap presents for kids with our club. Wednesday, I get together with NW Arkansas at the Springdale Club. Friday, Bev and I are on the other side of Arkansas, Batesville, for a get together with Division 17 then mount a Kiwanis parade float Saturday night to throw some candy.
Next week we attend 2 Christmas parties for kids. The Christmas spirit in Kiwanis is alive and incredible. We are blessed to be invited to participate.
So, are you busy inter-clubbing? Ask your LTG how your club is doing in your Division. While you’re at it, don’t forget these activities are great opportunities to bring new people along. Invite a potential new member to your next meeting or project. Keep sharing that Kiwanis spirit every chance you get, and
MERRY CHRISTMAS! As always, yours in Kiwanis, Sherm
By Paul Sherman November, 2023
Dear Fellow Kiwanians: Here we are again, November already. Are you ready? I suggest a good way to start this day is to Make Someone Happy Today! You’ll be better for it, they’ll be better for it and, hopefully, they pass it on. Don’t forget, just ask them to join you for coffee, join you at a Kiwanis meeting, join you in a Kiwanis Project when they express interest- Just Ask! Why? Because Kiwanis is best when shared.
On October 17 a large group of Kiwanians shared in the 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Richmond Kiwanis Club at Richmond’s historic Farris Theatre, built 1901. A good time was had by all, especially William Dooley, who was then personally honored by his celebrating club on this auspicious occasion with the presentation to him of a George F. Hixson Fellowship. Congratulations to Bill and Barb!
The Century of contributions made by the Richmond Kiwanis Club to the kids and community of Richmond were proudly listed out and on display for all to see who attended but are too numerous to begin to list here. This all started when their club was founded October 26, 1923, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Excelsior Springs (itself no longer in existence) and officially charted with Kiwanis International (“KI”) on November 3, 1923. Perhaps we need to start a new club in Excelsior Springs? I have made a few calls. I understand the Excelsior Springs High School Principal is new there from Liberty and tells me she was favorably impressed by her Liberty Kiwanis experience. If anybody has connections in Excelsior Springs please let Barb Thompson, Carla O’Brien, Jim Fritz or I know and we will follow up. Communication is key to our success this year.
Speaking of communication, I mentioned last month we were in and around Kansas City beginning October 15 for new club building. We formed two (2) teams that Sunday and worked hard in two directions all that week.
The Weston-Platte City Team was led by our membership co-chair, Barb Thompson. The Plaza Area Team was led by our other membership co-chair, Carla O’Brien.
That Thursday night, October 19, the Weston-Platte City Kiwanis Club was officially organized with 25 founding members who then approved and adopted bylaws, elected a President and Secretary from their number and commenced planning their Charter Celebration (hope you can attend). This was a big undertaking. Platte City is North of KCI Airport and is the county seat. Historic Weston is situated about 10 miles West of Platte City on/near the Missouri River. We were fortunate our team included Smithville Kiwanis members Jeffry Maxwell
and Don Hanks, Liberty Kiwanis Members Elaine Hintlian and Ashley Rivera, Laura Gilliland (by phone), Robin Asher (by phone), Trustee Jim Major, KI’s Jeane Anderholm and yours truly. Somehow, we fit in attending a noon meeting of the Smithville Kiwanis Club too.
That same night the other team commenced opening an organizational meeting of the Plaza Area Club on the Plaza, but that club has not yet been formalized and the meeting was continued to this past Thursday, November 2. They met again, have chosen a name and are on the cusp but still lack a few signatures so they again adjourned to another meeting time and place so full attendance can occur. More info to follow. Instrumental in its development were Lieutenant Governor Gary Goebel, Jim Fritz, KI’s Jeane Anderholm, Laura Gilliland (by phone), Robin Asher (by phone). The difficulty in the Plaza was a relatively new area inner city without a Chamber of Commerce, but this was overcome once again because the kids need Kiwanis and the new founding members to be, are outstanding!
So, what did we learn? New club building takes lots of planning, lots of calls, lots of interviews, lots of coordination and is a whole lot of fun! It’s the people you get to meet. The new members are just like us, they care about kids and the needs of their community. Many were just waiting for some way to connect, and they did. Our coaches will help them connect within the Kiwanis family and they are on their way. Let me share just one example. One lady came looking for us off a Facebook lead created for us by KI. Robin fielded her inquiry. Elaine and I met her at the local library in Platte City. Interestingly, she raises Monarch butterflies in her backyard and wanted to share her hobby with kids. She joined Kiwanis instantly and is anxious to contribute. Kids need us and we need more like her who are like-minded to carry on. Please just ask and make somebody happy Today!
Governor’s Column
By Paul Sherman February, 2024
Dear Fellow Kiwanians:
Wonderings and wanderings. 2024 is here, but have you “saved the date”? I wonder if you have March 22-23 on your calendar? If so, have you clearly marked it saved so you can attend the MO-ARK Kiwanis District 2024 MIDYEAR RETREAT?
If not, please do so now and plan to wander down to North Little Rock for
our MAKE IT HAPPEN event riverside at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel. Call them, 501-371-9000, and tell them you want the Kiwanis preferred rate (includes breakfast) and plan on having fun! We hope to bring together interested Kiwanians. You garden? We have a program on that. You fish? We have a program on that too. You want to better your Kiwanis computer skills, we can help on that also. There’s a direct link on the MO-ARK website to click in and register.
We try to be informative. Friday afternoon there’s a program offered by Kiwanians to Kiwanians on Estate Planning and Gift Giving for people with questions about such topics as required minimum distributions. We strive to be fun! I mention fun, just know we will mix and mingle with hor d’oeuvres
on Friday night and play a version of Bingo with music–I think they call is “Singo”. You want to attract younger members to your club? We have a program Saturday on that to be put on by guess who- younger members. And then there’s a jazz band with dinner Saturday night, Little Rock’s own
Saffron, so don’t miss out!
Russellville, AR- our District Board meets there this weekend, then on Saturday afternoon (2/3/24) we all gather at the Beatrice Johnson Kamp for a ribbon cutting ceremony. This is my first opportunity to see the Kamp and its new Education Center; hope you can make it. Last weekend Region 3 held its Regional Council Meeting with presentations on happenings in Region 3 and a Chili Cook-Off. Thanks Les Mace for a well-planned and informative
event. It was a great get-together.
MO-ARK Lieutenant Governors are contacting me with suggestions for presenters from their divisions on the two MIDYEAR RETREAT panel topics- BEST Successful Fund Raising Events and BEST Amazing Service Projects–to be presented at the 2024 MID-YEAR RETREAT! If your club has a special fund raiser or service project that you are especially proud of then contact Susan Lafond or Katie Rennard or Angie Oshia or Jim Fritz or me ASAP with contact info and particulars to be considered. This was well-received at mid-year last year so we offer it again. We hope this helps clubs exchange ideas and discuss because we all know Kiwanis is Best When Shared!
Do you speak Spanish? If so, and you want to participate in a new club build in a Spanish/Hispanic MO-ARK community let Barb or Carla or Jim or me know. If you just want to get involved in new club building, boosting or coaching, let us know. We have links, we have information to share and we have projects ongoing throughout MO-ARK and would like to identify those interested by their Region. Thanks.
Also, almost forgot, at the 2024 MID-YEAR RETREAT there is an opportunity for some hands on service project work for Ronald McDonald House so don’t miss out. As always, I expect the opportunity to catch up with each other and enjoy the fellowship will be tremendous! Our Committee has worked long and hard to MAKE IT HAPPEN! Hope we see you there!
Yours in Kiwanis,
By Paul Sherman January, 2024
Dear Fellow Kiwanians:
Happy New Year! I learned a lot in December floats are still allowed to throw candy to kids in Batesville during their annual Kiwanis Christmas Parade. The Batesville Club took the parade over from their city years ago and it continues with smiling kids lining both sides of the historic downtown street brandishing sacks, pillowcases and bags they afterwards wrestle home full of candy. I also experienced firsthand just how appreciative the people who work hard for Ronald McDonald House are of First Lady Bev’s project to help them raise funds, toys, games, service, and awareness of their programs for those in need across both Missouri and Arkansas. Please invite us to your division and keep the contributions coming in! I also learned there is no better project than for a club to provide kids in need with a Christmas Party. Plan yours next year and include potential new members, good times shared all around and remember, Kiwanis is best when it is shared.
You want to get more involved? I am pleased to report it appears we now have a full complement of Lieutenant Governors (“LTGs”) in MO-ARK with one exception, Division 16 (Jonesboro, AR area). If that’s your division and you want to inquire just give me a call, or Gov. Elect Jim Fritz, or Sec. Angie Oshia, or Past Gov. Roy Ockert. We may have a recent opening in Division 20 (Russellville area), but I have fielded one inquiry already and am awaiting a response. If that’s your division, either 16 or 20, and you are interested then call us. Let’s get started. Do you know your Division’s LTG? Invite him or her to a meeting and spread the word so you can work an interclub around their visits. Don’t forget, when you do meet up ask your LTG how your club is doing in your division’s interclub competition, just ask. If you are interested in becoming a LTG in your Division one of these days when the position opens, I suggest you inquire now of your current LTG. Some are working to mentor/train their potential replacements now, so I invite you to contact yours and perhaps join them and assist in a club visit or two to “try it on”.
Another reason to inquire, Gov. Elect Jim Fritz is busily planning his LTG training so get connected so you don’t miss out. Have your LTG set a Division Council Meeting and I will attend (schedule permitting, prefer Thursday, Friday, Saturday).
Do you know what Region your club is in? We only have 8 Regions in MO-ARK. Each is headed by a Region Trustee. Have you met yours? I have asked them each to hold a Division Council Meeting, so introduce yourself and ask them when you see them. Our hope is the more involved you get the merrier the experience for all, the fellowship opportunities are incredible! Kiwanis International (KI) puts on monthly educational training virtually (live with question and answer opportunities) alternating one month Club Opening (next is 1/9 at 7:00pm) , then the next month Coaches Training (next is 2/6 at 7:00 pm). These are taught via zoom in about an hour. You log in and the convenience of zooming can get you started anywhere there’s WIFI. I took my first class in a hotel lobby, for example. Get your training and let us know how it goes, we will get you involved. Whether regionally or divisionally, the effort is quite rewarding. You meet new people, experience new places and raise awareness as we expand and reach out to help those younger and weaker among us. We strengthen existing clubs and build new ones where we are needed.
Some Kiwanis Clubs in MO-ARK have aged over 50 years and are in need of some younger members with fresh ideas on how best to serve. We need you!
Don’t forget, our mid-year Retreat this year is in North Little Rock March 21-23, 2024, at the North Little Rock Wyndham Riverfront and I am told there is a live band. Our Retreat Committee is hard at work on the events. Please mark your calendar. Also, don’t forget, mark your calendar for KI’s International Convention held Denver July 4-6, 2024. Our own MO-ARK District Convention(“DCON”) is in St. Louis at the Westport Doubletree August 15, 16 and 17. What do they ask nowadays……” save the date”? So, mark your calendar now and save the dates. Perhaps planning is not my forte, but never fear our DCON Committee is hard at work – my instruction is simple- make it FUN! Do plan to have FUN because we will!!!!
As always, yours in Kiwanis,
By Paul Sherman December, 2023
Tis’ the season. Keepin’ busy?
Remember Kiwanis is best when shared.
Wrapping presents? Sponsored youth
activities? Nursing home visits?
Caroling? Making sure the kids in your
community have a merry Christmas?
Ringing a Salvation Army bell?
You build, inspire, give back in so many ways, you
roll up your sleeves and you good people of Kiwanis
make good things happen every day all over MO-ARK
Country. THANK YOU!
Tuesday, Bev and I wrap presents for kids with our
Wednesday, I get together with NW Arkansas at the
Springdale Club.
Friday, Bev and I are on the other side of Arkansas,
Batesville, for a get together with Division 17 then
mount a Kiwanis parade float Saturday night to
throw some candy.
Next week we attend 2 Christmas parties for kids.
The Christmas spirit in Kiwanis is alive and
incredible. We are blessed to be invited to
So, are you busy inter-clubbing? Ask your LTG how
your club is doing in your Division. While you’re at it,
don’t forget these activities are great opportunities
to bring new people along. Invite a potential new
member to your next meeting or project. Keep sharing
that Kiwanis spirit every chance you get, and
As always, yours in
By Paul Sherman November, 2023
Dear Fellow Kiwanians:
Here we are again, November already. Are
you ready? I suggest a good way to start this
day is to Make Someone Happy Today! You’ll
be better for it, they’ll be better for it and,
hopefully, they pass it on. Don’t forget, just
ask them to join you for coffee, join you at a
Kiwanis meeting, join you in a Kiwanis Project
when they express interest- Just Ask! Why?
Because Kiwanis is best when shared.
On October 17 a large group of Kiwanians shared in the 100th
Anniversary Celebration of the Richmond Kiwanis Club at
Richmond’s historic Farris Theatre, built 1901. A good time
was had by all, especially William Dooley, who was then
personally honored by his celebrating club on this auspicious
occasion with the presentation to him of a George F. Hixson
Fellowship. Congratulations to Bill and Barb!
The Century of contributions made by the Richmond Kiwanis
Club to the kids and community of Richmond were proudly
listed out and on display for all to see who attended but are
too numerous to begin to list here. This all started when their
club was founded October 26, 1923, sponsored by the
Kiwanis Club of Excelsior Springs (itself no longer in existence)
and officially charted with Kiwanis International (“KI”)
on November 3, 1923. Perhaps we need to start a new club in
Excelsior Springs? I have made a few calls. I understand the
Excelsior Springs High School Principal is new there from
Liberty and tells me she was favorably impressed by her
Liberty Kiwanis experience. If anybody has connections in
Excelsior Springs please let Barb Thompson, Carla O’Brien,
Jim Fritz or I know and we will follow up. Communication is
key to our success this year.
Speaking of communication, I mentioned last month we were
in and around Kansas City beginning October 15 for new club
building. We formed two (2) teams that Sunday and worked
hard in two directions all that week.
The Weston-Platte City Team was led by our membership
co-chair, Barb Thompson. The Plaza Area Team was led by
our other membership co-chair, Carla O’Brien.
That Thursday night, October 19, the Weston-Platte City Kiwanis
Club was officially organized with 25 founding members
who then approved and adopted bylaws, elected a President
and Secretary from their number and commenced planning
their Charter Celebration (hope you can attend). This was a
big undertaking. Platte City is North of KCI Airport and is the
county seat. Historic Weston is situated about 10 miles West
of Platte City on/near the Missouri River. We were fortunate
our team included Smithville Kiwanis members Jeffry Maxwell
and Don Hanks, Liberty Kiwanis Members Elaine Hintlian and Ashley Rivera, Laura Gilliland
(by phone), Robin Asher (by phone), Trustee Jim Major, KI’s Jeane Anderholm
and yours truly. Somehow, we fit in attending a noon meeting of the Smithville Kiwanis
Club too.
That same night the other team commenced opening an organizational meeting of the
Plaza Area Club on the Plaza, but that club has not yet been formalized and the meeting
was continued to this past Thursday, November 2. They met again, have chosen a
name and are on the cusp but still lack a few signatures so they again adjourned to another
meeting time and place so full attendance can occur. More info to follow. Instrumental
in its development were Lieutenant Governor Gary Goebel, Jim Fritz, KI’s
Jeane Anderholm, Laura Gilliland (by phone), Robin Asher (by phone). The difficulty in
the Plaza was a relatively new area inner city without a Chamber of Commerce, but
this was overcome once again because the kids need Kiwanis and the new founding
members to be, are outstanding!
So, what did we learn? New club building takes lots of planning, lots of calls, lots of
interviews, lots of coordination and is a whole lot of fun! It’s the people you get to
meet. The new members are just like us, they care about kids and the needs of their
community. Many were just waiting for some way to connect, and they did. Our
coaches will help them connect within the Kiwanis family and they are on their way.
Let me share just one example. One lady came looking for us off a Facebook lead created
for us by KI. Robin fielded her inquiry. Elaine and I met her at the local library in
Platte City. Interestingly, she raises Monarch butterflies in her backyard and wanted to
share her hobby with kids. She joined Kiwanis instantly and is anxious to contribute.
Kids need us and we need more like her who are like-minded to carry on. Please just
ask and make somebody happy Today!
As always, yours in Kiwanis,
Read the Latest Issue of the Mo-Ark Kiwanigram
Read the Kiwanigram
Calendar of Events